Tuesday, February 20, 2018

சுப்ரியையின் உலகம்

Dear Jeyamohan

This episode is so unique that the women princesses and queens from the various kingdoms married into the Kauravas and the Pandavas clan reveal their inner thoughts, aspirations and unique personality that were either molded by their mother and maids or born with. For example, I would have never known about Balanthirai or Supriyai without your writing.  The vengeance of Kasi Princess continues thru Balanthirai even though her upbringing and the reason she supports the war are different than that of Ambaji. 
Amazing emotions expressed by Supriyai when she tries to break that invisible cocoon of haughtiness and rejoice about her journey to Hastinapura. When she got married to Karna and showed her meanness and tried to belittle him, it looked like she does not have a good side. But, on reading about her passion to travel and some inner emotions even her haughtiness and meanness vanishes to portray a woman with a child’s heart who loves to travel emerges. Just like all the characters in Venn Murasu it is difficult to fully hate someone.  That is the magic of your keen observation of humanity and an unimaginable creativity that bring these characters to live.  Thank you so much for that.
The elaborate ceremonies at the Varahi Temple and the Kali Dev temple are quite interesting and takes one to the ancient World of scary rituals. Also, it is very poignant to read about the brahmin family in Utkala (Orissa) whose eldest son was selected to follow the Atharva Veda due to poverty.  Felt very sad to read about the children dying without food, a Mother’s sadness and unable to save her children, a good father who has no other choice but to follow his “Dharma”, an obedient son and student whose emotions are so well portrayed before and after the “Purushamedha” selection process. 
The “Charal” is slowly moving towards a devastating big tornado. Waiting to read. Thank you.
Warm regards

Sobana Iyengar